What is IOSS?
From 1 July 2021 the value added tax (VAT) exemption for the importation of goods not exceeding EUR 22 is removed. As a result, all goods imported to the EU will be subject to VAT.
The Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS) was created to facilitate and simplify the declaration and payment of VAT for goods sold from a distance by sellers from either the EU or from a non-EU country or territory.
In case of Rincos, we (seller) have to pay IOSS fee (which is VAT) for dispatching packages, so we need to get it when you place an order, which is minimum 21% of purchased item price.
In case of EMS or DHL, you do not need to pay IOSS fee to us, but please note customs might charge you the import duties directly, which is the buyer’s responsibility.
For more details of IOSS, please refer to the link below,